Boost Your Power with a Car Amplifier
A car amplifier will give you a loud and clear sound on a consistent basis. It will boost the power flowing from the receiver to the speakers. In doing so, it will reduce the stress put on all the other components of your car stereo system, including the receiver.
Choosing the right car amplifier is important. Your decision should be based on five important features. Make sure you address them all !
The first item on the agenda is the number of channels. This will depend on the number of speakers in your system. Two-channel amplifiers will feed well two speakers or a single subwoofer. You will want to consider a four-channel amplifier if you have any of the following combinations :
¤ Four speakers
¤ Two subwoofers
¤ Two speakers and one subwoofer
Then you want to look at power. An amplifier with an output two times the one of the reciever will give you enough added volume with less distortion. Make sure the wattage of the amplifiers is within the speaker's range. Also, make sure your electrical system can support the additional wattage.
An important feature to consider for your car amplifier is the connection structure. Many factory-installed receivers only come with speaker-level inputs that will require special adaptors. This will normally work very well. However, you may experience some distortion through the speakers. In that event, you may want to consider a new CD/MP3/AM/FM receiver, depending on your budget and sound requirements.
An amplifier normally includes a device to filter different frequencies and minimize distortion. This is called a crossover. Your amplifier should have one crossover for high-frequency notes and another for low-frequencies.
We should discuss one last feature. Most car amplifiers can combine the power of two channels into a single one. This is called bridging and is used to boost the power of the amplifier. The downside to this technique is to create some distortion and limiting the number of available channels. Since the cost of a an amplifier is more and more reasonable it might be wiser to buy a more powerful one !
Here you go ! You are hopefully better "connected" to the important features to consider for your car amplifier ..... and more knowledge means ..... more power .... to make the right buying decision.Things To Look For When Buying A Car Stereo Head Unit
There are so many car stereo head units on the market. How do you know what to choose? Let's take a look at some of the things you should look for when buying a head unit.
1. How user friendly is the head unit?
Your head unit must be user friendly. This is the part of your car stereo you will interact with the most so you must feel comfortable using it. Before buying one be sure to play around with it and see how easy and quick it is to change tracks on a CD, switch radio stations, and so on. Are the buttons too small? You need to be able to enjoy using your head unit.
2. How is the unit's power measured?
Pay close attention to power. Look out for models where the manufacturers exaggerate the unit's power. This malpractice is common among most manufacturers. Ensure that power is measures in RMS. Be very wary of terms like "music power" and "peak power". These terms mean nothing when it comes to measuring power.
3. Choosing between a cassette player and a CD player.
It's all about your personal preference. Do you use more cassettes than CDs? In that case you should probably go with a cassette player. Many of them give you the option of hooking up a CD changer. Your CD changer can be operated from your head unit.
The only problem with some CD changers is the fact that you may have to get to your trunk or under your seat to change CDs. With in-dash CD players everything is in reach and can be operated easily.
More and more people are using CDs these days. CDs have several advantages including better sound quality. Many of them can be hooked up to a CD changer as well.
4. Does the head unit include pre-amp outputs?
If you're serious about sound you wouldn't buy a head unit that doesn't come with pre-amp outputs. With these outputs, you can run an amplifier directly without any need for conversion. This output is the cleanest. Higher volt outputs are better as long as your amplifier or crossover can handle the voltage. For less noise choose 4 volts over 1-2 volts.
5. Is there a theft prevention scheme?
If theft protection is important to you buy a head unit that includes a theft prevention scheme. You can choose between a partially detachable and fully detachable face. Detaching the face of your head unit renders it useless. So this is obviously a great deterrent for thieves.
Kenwood has some models where the face flips around so the thief can't see the head unit.
Some head units like Eclipse's ESN system, require a reference CD when you first apply power to them. If it is stolen it is useless. You must have the reference CD for it to work. The only problem with this is that if the thief has no clue about this feature, your head unit would be stolen anyway. Your only hope would be if he foolishly takes it to Eclipse for repair. Eclipse would be able to verify that it was stolen.
Ordering your car stereo head unit online is quick and easy. Before buying your head unit be sure to check out some online reviews. Find out what customers like yourself think of the unit you want to buy. You can order one online today.
Things To Look For When Buying Car Stereo Speakers
There are so many car stereo speakers on the market. How do you know what to choose? Let's take a look at some of the things you should look for when buying a car speaker.
1. How is the speaker's power measured?
Pay close attention to the amount of power the speaker can handle. This is particularly important when dealing with woofers, since they require more power to play loudly. Look out for models where the manufacturers exaggerate power. Ensure that power is measures in RMS. Be very wary of terms like "music power" and "peak power". These terms mean nothing when it comes to measuring power.
2. How sensitive is the speaker?
The more sensitive a speaker is, the less power required to play it. If a speaker is insensitive it will require a lot more power to play at the same volume. If you're using an amplifier you don't have much to worry about. But sensitivity becomes a bigger issue when you're using your head unit to power your speakers. Head units have less power so they require speakers that are more sensitive.
3. Are you buying the right size speakers?
The size of your speaker is very important. They should be able to fit in the proper locations. Ensure that your midrange speakers can fit in the door or dash spaces or else you may have to do some cutting. Do you have enough room in your trunk for your woofer to fit? Ensure that tweeters can be mounted in a location where they fire almost directly at you.
4. What type of enclosure is best for your subwoofers?
Woofers generate a back wave behind them. They should never be mounted in free air space. If this is done the sound they produced at the front will be cancelled out by the backwave. As a result they will produce no bass. Hence the need for enclosures. You can choose between many types of enclosures.
One popular choice is the ported box. The woofer is mounted in the box with a hole in it and a port tube attached to the hole.
There's another technique where two chambers are used. The woofer is mounted in one chamber inside the box and fires into another chamber that is ported to the outside.
Another method uses the speaker's trunk as an enclosure.
The sealed enclosure is the most popular. The back wave is surpressed inside the box and the speaker fires inside the car.
All of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. You need to choose one that is best for your situation. Be sure to inform yourself about enclosures before making a selection.
Ordering your car stereo speakers online is quick and easy. Before buying them check out some online reviews. Find out what customers like yourself think of the speaker you want to buy. You can order your speakers online today.
Car Audio Capacitors: Why You Can't Do Without Them
I've heard the question asked many times before, 'Do I really need a capacitor?' Before answering that question I ask, 'Do you have a high powered system?' 'Does it require sudden power bursts?' 'Is your amplifier being robbed of power?' If the answers to my questions are yes, make every effort to connect a capacitor to your car audio system.
A capacitor is a bit similar to your car battery; it stores electrical energy. But unlike a battery it doesn't produce its own power, it simply stores it. A car audio capacitor will help you get the most from your amplifier. It will store power for release on demand, delivering it to your amplifier just when it's needed.
Your car amplifier requires a lot of power to play loud music, especially when there's lots of heavy bass. Without a capacitor your amplifier will be robbed of power by parts like your lights, engine, and air conditioner.
So what happens when your car audio amplifier doesn't receive enough power?
A common occurrence is dimming lights. In such a situation the light will follow the beat of the music. The light will dim each time a heavy bass note sounds. If you were to turn off the lights, your car stereo system would suddenly sound louder and the music would be cleaner.
Your amplifier is simply trying to use more energy than the electrical system can supply. If a capacitor had been present there would have been enough energy to power your amp. That electrical energy would have already been stored.
When you want to reduce headlight dimming, improve bass response, and increase the power of your amp, a stiffening capacitor is a must. Equipped with capacitor and an adequate power supply, your system will get every bit of current it needs. Voltage drops will be a thing of the past.
With so many brands available online, it's easy to find a capacitor that meets your needs. You can choose from popular brands like Phoenix-Digital, Blitz-Audio, Kole-Audio, Pyramid, SoundStorm, Lanzar, Power-Acoustik, Pyle, Legacy, Nitro-BMW, SPL, and Volfenhag. No longer will your car amplifier be hungry for power.
Car Audio Crossovers: Why You Can't Do Without Them
I've heard the question asked many times before, 'Do I really need a crossover?' Without wasting any time I quickly answer, 'Yes you do'. Whether it's a passive crossover or an active crossover, your car audio system will never sound good without a crossover. I want to make myself very clear here, so before you get confused let's talk about what a car audio crossover is and why you need one.
A crossover is a filtering device which limits the frequencies that reach a speaker. It splits a music signal into separate frequency ranges and sends them to speakers that are designed to best reproduce each frequency range. For instance, only high frequencies would be sent to your tweeters, midrange to your mid range speakers, and lows to your subwoofer.
The passive crossover is very common. It's basically a capacitor or coil installed on the speaker leads between amplifier and speaker that stops certain frequencies from reaching a speaker. It's relatively inexpensive and easy to install.
But for your car stereo system to perform better and be efficient, you need an active crossover, also referred to as an electronic crossover. It is installed between your head unit or equalizer and your amplifiers. Your electronic crossover sends the proper frequency ranges to each amplifier. Some people run three separate amps: one for bass, one for mids and the other for highs.
Active crossovers are almost infinitely adjustable. You can vary the crossover points and adjust the level of separate speakers to achieve the best overall sound in your vehicle.
If you're serious about sound you must have a car audio crossover. Otherwise your system will sound terrible. Oh what a mess it will be when your subwoofer and mid-range speakers duplicate many of the same frequencies! How about when your mid-range speaker attempts to put out high notes that your tweeters are supposed to handle. Can you bear such grief? I can't.
And this is just the beginning of your sorrow and pain. Since low frequencies are being sent to your tweeters there will be distortion. As a result of this distortion your tweeters will be destroyed. Loud bass will eventually destroy your mid-range speakers as well. Now you've got to start from scratch and buy a new set of speakers, all because you started on the wrong footing.
Planning a Car Audio System Installation
With such a wide range of components and gadget on the market for car audio systems, the big question is "Where do I start?"
First you must decide what exactly you wish to do. If you are wanting to build a car audio system for a daily driver (the car you drive back and forth to work) with good sounds, but you are not interested in competing, a system can easily be put together for under $1000. However, if you are looking for the all-out bass monster, be prepared to drop in some big bucks into your system.
One of the most important things to keep in mind when building a car audio system is planning. Get an idea of where you are going to place components, subwoofers, amplifiers, and power distribution. A lot of headache can be avoided with the proper planning!!
For the basic system, lets look at some of the components needed.
Let's first start with the head unit (CD player). Obviously you are going to want a nice head unit. If you start with a good quality cd player, and choose to upgrade your sound system in the future, purchase a head unit that will grow with you. Some of the features you may want to keep in mind are:
1. CD changer controls
2. XM / Sirius controls (if you decide to add Satellite radio in the future)
3. Dual RCA outputs (carries signal to the amplifiers)
4. Pause button (important for competing)
5. Detachable face, or other security devices
6. High voltage line driver - this will send the sound signal at a higher voltage to your amplifier/s reducing noise and improving overall sound quality.
After you have chosen your head unit, you will want to make a decision on amplifiers and subwoofers. Keep in mind that you get what you pay for. A $30 subwoofer will be as big as a $300 subwoofer, but the capacities of each will differ greatly. Look at the power handling of each subwoofer and decide accordingly. You will want subwoofers will work with your amplifier/s (see compatibility).
You must also keep in mind the available space in your vehicle. Are you willing to give up your entire cargo area? How many subwoofers will fit? Decide on the size. Sizes will vary from 8" up to 18", some are square (Kicker), but most are round. Also keep in mind the resistance (ohms) of the subwoofer and make sure they are compatible with your amplifier/s (see compatibility). The subwoofer decision will also have an effect on the enclosure you decide to build or buy. For the basic system, I would recommend purchasing a pre-fabricated subwoofer enclosure. This will save you a bit of money and headache (especially if you end up building it two or three times!!). Make sure you take accurate measurement of your cargo area before building or buying an enclosure!!
Other components may be needed depending on the type of system you are building and how elaborate you want your sound to be. For the competition vehicle, figure on upgrading your alternator, adding a battery to your system (maybe more), running high quality RCA cables, power cables, ground cables, and speaker cable. You may need to add a capacitor to provide your amplifier with a reservoir of power for bigger hits from the subs. You may need an electronic crossover, an equalizer, replacement factory speakers, an amplifier for your mid-range and tweeters, additional speakers within your vehicle for staging, etc.
Five Ways to Judge Your Car Stereo Speakers
Car stereo speakers are very vital for an efficient car audio system. Car speakers are unique in that they are designed for reproducing sound frequencies. You can evaluate your car stereo speakers on the following criteria:
· Frequency response of the speakers should be higher and wider for better sound capturing and reproducing
· Efficiency of the speakers determines the distance sound will travel and is measured in terms of decibels, the higher the better.
· For playing your system continuously, the factor to be considered is the maximum power RMS, i.e., the maximum powers speakers can produce continuously.
· A component speaker set will give a full range and quality of sound in your car and it will be a thrilling experience.
· The car stereo speakers should be power efficient so that it does not eat up the riding power of your car.
A car audio system is comprised of different components. Speakers for your car have unique characteristics to ensure quality audio sound in your car. They are much different from speakers you would buy for your home, office, or computer.
When shopping for speakers, be sure to listen to a variety. Each speaker will have its own sound. Therefore, with the above knowledge gear up your car with better car stereo speakers, which will enhance your musical experience and rock your car.
Car Audio Amplifiers - More Good to Know Info
The car audio amplifier... its soul purpose is to take a low level signal from the source unit and transform it into a high level signal for activating the loudspeakers.
Amplifiers range in power from about twenty watts per channel to over one thousand watts per channel. Would you believe that the prices range anywhere from fifty dollars to several thousand dollars depending on features, power output and quality! Amplifiers range from one channel of output to as many as eight channels. The most common amplifiers are currently two and four channel models.
Amplifier Power Ratings Power amplifiers also have "optional equipment". These features include built-in active crossovers, equalizers, signal processing and speaker level inputs. When shopping for an amplifier consider that all power ratings are not created equal. The only true measure of an amplifier's power is its continuous power rating or R.M.S. rating ( or root mean square) and refers to the average power output of the amplifiers. Some of the low-quality brands will exaggerate or even outright lie about the power output of their amplifiers which is a good reason to stick with the well known manufacturers.
Car Amplifier Quality: Also keep in mind the quality of the amplifier. A generally good indication of quality build and the power output is the size and the weight of the amplifier itself. Better quality amplifiers will usually have a heavier and larger heatsink versus a low quality amplifier of the same power rating.
However there are many top quality amplifiers that do not follow this rule.
Blaupunkt makes a line of amplifiers that have a plastic shell. Because of the high efficiency design of those amplifiers a heavy heatsink is not required. Also a good indication of an amplifier's true output is the size of the fuse used.
Use your head when buying and keep in mind the brand's reputation for quality.
If you find yourself on a budget or lack space for many components then the economical thing to do is buy a multi-channel amplifier with the built in features and processors that you desire. By minimizing the number of components the chance of noise entering into the system is lessened.
Some features and aspects of amplifiers to consider are:
Bridgeable: This feature allows a pair of amplifier power channels to be combined into one channel of greater power. This is usually used for driving a subwoofer although it will work with any other type of speaker as well
Channels: The more channels an amplifier has the greater the installation flexibility it will have. Especially in terms of options, future add-ons and upgrades.
Class: This refers to the way the amplifier operates. The three types that are most likely to be encountered are A, A/B, and D. Class A amplifiers are the least efficient in terms of power consumption, staying on continually, but also have better sound in general than A/B amplifiers. They are very rare in car audio. Class A/B amplifiers are more efficient than the class A design and are the most common type. Almost all amplifiers in the car audio market are of the A/B design. Class D amplifiers are usually reserved for high power subwoofer amplifiers and can reach efficiencies in the 80%+ range. This design can therefore be smaller, uses less current and produces less heat than the other classes.
Connectors: This is the method of attachment used for wires that are connected to the amplifier, including speaker and power wires. The most common kind is the screw terminal strip. This is a series of screw connectors that can be removed and replaced without compromising the amplifier. The other main type of attachment is the "Molex" type connector. This method involves a wire harness that plugs into the amplifier after the power and speaker connections have been made with a crimp or solder connection. If the amplifier is installed in more than one system these wires can get pretty short over time and become more difficult and even dangerous to work with. A variation on the two is a harness that the power and speaker wires screw into. Then the harness plugs into the amplifier. This is probably the most convenient of all connections.
Crossover/Filter: A built in crossover can be useful, especially if it is many frequencies of adjustment. A filter is a crossover that only affects one channel, not actually splitting frequencies but simply reducing a range of them.
Distortion: This is often given as T.H.D. or total harmonic distortion. It is the measure of how much an amplifier will change a signal from the input signal it is given. Figures below 0.1% are negligible and will not be heard. Usually the figure can be in the 3% range without being heard but virtually all high quality amplifiers will have a T.H.D. below 0.1%.
Efficiency: This is the ratio of of power input (from the battery) to power output (to the speakers). A 100 watt amplifier with an efficiency of 50% would take in 200 watts of power from the battery and output 100 watts of power to the speakers. The other 100 watts of power would be wasted as heat. The higher the efficiency of an amplifier the better.
Power Output: The rated power output of an amplifier should be given into a four ohm load, all channels driven from twenty to twenty thousand hertz (20Hz-20kHz). Keep in mind that while the low end amplifiers are exaggerated in their power output, many high end amplifiers are under- rated in their power output. These are sometimes called "cheater amps" because they allow a car audio competitor to compete in a lower power class while in reality having a larger amplifier. This under-rating can be three times less than the actual power output.
Power Supply: The two most common types are the IC chip and the MOSFET supply. The IC chip is what is used in most source units (head units) and are only capable of roducing about twenty watts per channel. MOSFET is the more common design and has a smoother sound than the chip design.
Pre-amp Inputs: This is a set of jacks (usually RCA jacks) that will accept a low level pre-amp signal from a source or processing unit.
Pre-amp Outputs: This is a set of jacks (usually RCA jacks) that pass on a low level pre-amp signal to another amplifier or processing unit. These will sometimes be filtered outputs.
Separate Gain Controls: This allows the gain of each channel of the amplifier to be set independently of the other(s).
Speaker Level Inputs: For source units that do not have pre-amp level RCA outputs this feature may be used to take the signal from the speaker leads of the source unit. The signal will not be as clean as a pre-amp level output but will be adequate for most factory upgrade applications.
Stability: The measure of how low of an impedance load an amplifier can handle (in ohms). Any good quality amplifier will be two ohm stable while a rare few will go as low as a quarter of an ohm. Ideally an amplifier should double its power each time the load is halved. For example, a one hundred watt amplifier (into a four ohm load) should produce two hundred watts into a two ohm load and so on. This is most useful when running multiple speakers off of a single amplifier or in sound off competitions that are classed by total power output.
Tri-Mode Output: This feature is available under different names but is the ability of an amplifier to run a stereo pair of speakers and a mono subwoofer (or center channel) from only two channels of the amplifier. Personally, I would not recommend doing this. Instead buy a good quality four channel amplifier and bridge two of the channels for the subwoofer.
Tube Amplifiers: These are the least common amplifiers and are also the most expensive. Rather than the traditional solid state components they use old fashioned vacuum tubes. They are said to produce a warmer sound and a moother midrange than solid state designs. For most systems the standard design will be more desirable.
Armed with this knowledge, you should now be able to make an informed decision on your amplifier purchase. Interested in more amplifier articles? Check out Putting the "BOOM...BOOM...BOOM" into your system.
Car Audio Systems - Bigger is Better?
Are Big Car Speakers Better?
If you are planning to purchase car speakers, there are things you need to know in order to make the best choice. A clear mind and a basic plan of what you intend to buy are crucial when shopping for car speakers. Big car speakers do not always mean better speakers.
Purchasing speakers for your car can end up being more costly than necessary if you buy speakers that have numerous features you won't use. Keep in mind that top quality audio speakers cost more than some other brands, but are generally worth the investment. If big car speakers are your preference, make sure you buy a dependable brand name and make certain the speakers will provide you with crystal clear sound.
There are two basic kinds of car stereo speakers: component speakers and full range speakers. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Full range car stereo speakers generally consist of a tweeter, a woofer, and some may be equipped with a midrange or supertweeter. If you want to replace your factory speakers with minimal trouble, full range speakers are your best choice. Full range speakers come in varying sizes and price ranges.
If big car speakers are your preference, you can find full range speakers in almost any size. Component speakers give you the best possible sound quality through their superior design. The typical components include tweeters, separate woofers, and external crossovers. Each of these components is designed to compliment the others. Big car speakers can be part of a component system if you make sure you have all the necessary components.
For those who are serious about their car stereo speakers, a component system will be the best choice. Your sound system will have greater depth and sound more realistic. You can include big car speakers in a component system. Detailed sound and exceptional dynamics are the result of higher quality materials than are normally found in full range speakers.
The question of which are better - small or big car speakers is not a simple one. Big car speakers may be your preference but that will not ensure you of the getting the best sound. Car stereo speakers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Determining the type of car audio system you want is much more important than the size of speakers you purchase.
Car Stereo Systems - Putting the "BOOM - BOOM - BOOM" in Your System!
When purchasing a car stereo system, finding quality car stereo amplifiers is critical. Unless you know in advance what type of amplifier you are going to purchase, you will need to research the various styles and prices of car stereo amplifiers. The amplifier you buy should be the best you can find in your price range. Not all car stereo amplifiers are created equally. Car stereo specialty stores and the numerous web sites devoted to creating the ultimate car stereo system can be of great value to you when researching amplifiers.
As with any other car stereo component, amplifiers vary in quality and price. The highest priced amplifier you find will not automatically be the best for your particular system. Finding quality car stereo amplifiers will take knowledge on your part. If the staff at your local car stereo store is not willing to explain the differences to you, then go on to the next store. You do not have to spend large amounts of money on a quality car stereo amplifier. Different amplifiers work better with some car stereo systems than with others. You should know where your amplifier will be located, how it will be installed, and what you expect as far as sound quality before you purchase your new amplifier.
For those who compete in car audio competitions, a higher priced amplifier may be able to give them just the type of sound they desire. For the average car stereo, a less expensive amplifier will work just as well. If you have invested a lot of money in your car stereo system you may want to go ahead and invest in a top quality car stereo amplifier. If you have purchased full range after market car speakers then a lower priced amplifier will suit your needs.
Finding quality car stereo amplifiers is no different than shopping for any other car stereo component. Research your choices thoroughly and have a clear idea of what you intend to accomplish with your amplifier. There is no need to purchase the most expensive amplifier if you are simply putting a superior stereo system in your personal vehicle. If car audio competition is your goal you will want to find a more expensive, top quality car stereo amplifier. Make wise decisions by learning the facts before you purchase a car stereo amplifier.
Buying: How to Buy a Car DVD Player
Nowadays, there isn’t a home without a DVD player, but one of the latest and coolest ways to electronically enhance your life is installing one into your car! Car DVD players come in all different varieties and prices, but even the cheapest ones will send you into movie viewer heaven!
1. Look for a car DVD player that you can afford. Car DVD players can be simple or very extravagant. Portable units that sit between the seats and plug into the cigarette lighter are generally more reasonable as opposed to a full-blown in-car theater system (from $100 to $3,000 and more).
2. Most people who are looking to add electronics to their vehicle will want to future-proof their purchase by choosing car DVD players. Anything else that is not as advanced will simply be outdated.
3. Inspect your car for the best place to install a car DVD player. You'll want your car DVD player to take advantage of the best-quality inputs available.
4. Bring a DVD with you when you shop. There are three competing, incompatible formats: DVD-R, DVD-RW and DVD-RAM. Even if a player says it takes your format, make sure to test it.
5. Buy an all-in-one car DVD player or individual components if your budget is small (under $250) and your needs are simple. An all-in-one unit includes a videocassette player (VCP) or a DVD player, speaker and screen.
6. Component systems tap into your vehicle's stereo and pipe sound directly to headphones for quiet viewing. Most high-end car stereo retailers carry these systems. Choose a component system ($400 and up) where a single video source can run several screens, usually liquid-crystal displays (LCDs). The car DVD player screens can pop out of the dashboard, drop down from the car's ceiling or mount in headrests.
7. Make sure any component system is expandable, so you can adjust your system in the future for more or different screens and input devices.
8. A diversity antenna, also known as a dual-antenna, is used for better TV reception when the car is moving and is recommended.
9. Making sure that your vehicle's electrical system can handle the demands of a mobile entertainment system is very important. You may need a professional installer to determine this for you.
10. Remember that the audio encoding-Dolby Digital or digital theater system (DTS)-on the DVD itself is critical.
Tips: Car DVD players can also play audio CDs. If you burn CDs on your computer, bring along a homemade disc to test it.
-A laptop computer with a DVD drive can serve as an entertainment system for smaller cars with one viewer. Mobile entertainment systems are theft targets. Invest in a good car alarm.
Warnings: Front-seat viewing is illegal, not to mention idiotic while a car is in motion. Make sure to install your car DVD player in a proper place!
Your Car Stereo's System - 5 Tips to Professional Results
You have chosen your new car stereo and now it is time to install. The final result will depend on the quality of the installation. It won't matter how expensive your car stereos system is if you do not install it correctly. Your speaker sound will depend on the amplifier and the type of enclosure. Your amplifier will depend on the current, and the current will depend on the alternator and the wiring. Mistakes will leave you with disappointing results. Here are a few tips that will make the installation of your car stereos system a success:
The first thing you should do is determine the location of the speakers. Speaker location is the key to quality sound. The distance between the left and right speakers and the distance between the left and right ears is not always the same. Try to make the difference between the left and right speakers as little as possible. You may have better luck if you place the speakers on the floor, but you do run the risk of the sound seemingly coming from below. The location of your speakers is imperative to the sound quality you get from your car stereo. When installing your car stereos system, place the speakers temporarily in various locations to find the perfect sound before you install them permanently.
After you have determined the perfect location for your speakers, you must use Dynamat or other similar materials to stop vibration. This is to prevent the metal panels from becoming part of your sound system. How you connect your cables and the location of the cables is essential to achieving a top quality sound from your car stereos system. Some install huge amplifiers in an attempt to get the best sound from their speaker. The fact is you do not need to over do it on the amplifier; you simply need good quality cables to connect it.
Now you can begin the installation of the amplifiers and head unit. You can choose to use the factory wires or you may want to give the head unit a separate circuit. If your car stereo has excellent quality factory audio you should have no need for an additional circuit. Use good quality cables and do not cut costs on clamps and distribution blocks. This is the time to install filters as well.
Building a speaker enclosure is the next step. There is no set rule on which type of enclosure will work best with your car stereos system. You should determine which type of enclosure will give you the sound you desire. Different sizes and shapes of enclosures will produce different sounds. The best type of enclosure is an individual choice. You should experiment with various shapes and sizes until you find the sound quality you are looking for.
After your speakers are installed to your satisfaction, be sure to upholster your door panels with colors that match your car interior. Installing your car stereos system is a highly personal experience. Experiment with various locations and connections until you find the sound quality you are looking for.
Mobile Video for your Car Makes Sense Considering the Traffic These Days?
Mobile Video Prices are coming down big time and it makes sense to score your self a new complete system for your car or SUV. The competition is getting hot and now is the time to grab one. Many people who have these video systems no longer complain when they are in the back seat stuck in traffic. Kids are actually a joy to travel with and all these systems are available and installable and some as low as $499 plus installation.
Have you considered a new Mobile Video System for your car? There are about ten very well known brand names and of course some pretty convincing looking Chinese knock-off or pirated patented products slipping into the market as well.
You have sent the seat head rest models and many of these require such little amount or installation that you can be in and out in around an hour or so? I see people lined up to install these at radio shops and having been in the aftermarket auto business on the auto detailing side for some 20 plus years, I wonder why more people are not lined up?
Perhaps it is a trade off with folks as the fuel prices keep going up and seem to be cutting into their expensive taste for toys and accessories. Yet, with the prices coming down, that does not make sense either and I assume people just do not know; so, I thought I might tell you personally.Car Gears
Gear system is an important component of car and requires proper handling and attention. While changing the gears it is very important that clutch should be completely pressed. Make sure that the clutch is properly adjusted for free pedal movement for smooth gear change. Select the right gear for a given condition and speed to avoid overstraining the engine. Regularly check the oil level in the gear box. Do not drive with your left foot resting on the clutch pedal when it is not in use as it reduces the life of clutch plate.
Car Tyres
Car Tyres have an important bearing on the performance and safety of the car. There should be uniformity of tread pattern in the tyres. Don't mix radial tyres with other tyres.
Always ensure that the tyres have prescribed air pressure. Air pressure should be checked on cold tyres and not when they are hot as the air expands when hot. Having lower air pressure than prescribed adversely affect stability during drive, causes high fuel consumption and harms the suspensions, while excessive air pressure results in faster wear of treads and results in a hard and bumpy ride.
Rotate the tyres diagonally after every 5000 km; i.e. front right tyre should be rotated with rear left and front left should be rotated with rear right.
Make sure that the wheels are properly balanced. This will eliminate the centrifugal force and prevent the wobbling of tyre. Regularly check the wheel alignment of your vehicle as proper wheel alignment prolongs the life of the tyres and enhance the safety of the car.
Car Fuel System
Certain vehicle components require periodic replacement. These are:
Fuel filter: A dirty fuel filter may result in engine stalling and loss of engine power.
Air filter: Dirty air filter results in loss of engine power, increased fuel consumption, airflow sensor failure, etc.
Spark plug: Spark plug replacement can significantly improve the engine performance.
Timing belt: Timing belt failure may cause serious engine damage, especially if it's diesel engine.
Car Electrical System Maintenance
Car Engine
Engine oil is one of the most important things that determines the performance and life of the car engine. The engine oil level must be checked at regular intervals say once in every two weeks and before a long trip. This can be done by opening the bonnet and pulling out the dipstick. The dipstick is calibrated and indicates the oil level.In all the cars there is an indicator for engine oil level. When the engine oil level is low and lubrication is not happening properly the indicator glows as a warning. If this light comes on, immediately check the oil level and if it is low, fill it. DO NOT DRIVE THE VEHICLE IF THERE IS NO ENGINE OIL. An engine not having proper oil pressure means lubrication is not taking place as it should, which could result in serious breakdown of the engine. Replace the engine oil at recommended intervals.
Car Cooling System Maintenance
Special attention should be given to the pressure cap over the radiator. When the coolant reaches very high temperature, it forces its way through a valve in the pressure cap and the overflow is then collected into coolant reservoir. When the engine is cool, the vacuum created in the radiator draws the overflow back. If the pressure cap is defective, the coolant evaporates through the pressure cap when it reaches high temperature, instead of flowing into the coolant reservoir. This reduces the level of coolant and can harm the engine.
Cooling system hoses should be checked regularly, especially before summer. Any hose that is cracked, and feels hard or spongy when squeezed should be replaced immediately. Ensure that the fan belt is working properly since it plays a vital part in cooling the engine. Get the cooling system serviced at the onset of the summer.
Car Brakes Maintenance
From the point of view of safety, brakes are a very vital component of car. Most brake problems develop gradually and can be detected before they become serious by inspecting the system.
* A soft or mushy brake pedal indicates that you may be low on brake fluid.
* Sometimes, the brake pedal goes all the way down. This happens when the rear brake lining is wearing.
* If the brakes squeak on pressing then either the brake pads need to be changed or the brakes need to be cleaned.
* If the brake fluid level is low the system indicates a warning by glowing the brake light. Fill the brake fluid immediately.
* If the brakes pull the car to one side then either the brake clearance need to be adjusted or there is insufficient hydraulic pressure in one part of the brake system.
Hand Brakes
They should be applied only when the clutch is pressed or the car is on the neutral. This exercise will not tax the clutch system. While having the general check up of brake system, look for blunt notches of the hand brake and see if its cable requires replacement in case the brakes are not effective.
Car Air Conditioner
Proper functioning of air conditioner is very important for the comfort of the occupants of the car. Especially while driving in hot and humid weather, an efficient air conditioner is must.
If you air conditioner is giving desired cooling it might be due to following factors:
Low Refrigerant: An A/C system requires a certain amount of refrigerant to cool properly. If low, it works less efficiently and does not cool well.
Dirty condenser: The condenser is the heat exchanger mounted in front of the radiator. It cools the high-pressure refrigerant vapor after it exits the compressor so it can condense into a liquid. If the condenser is full of leaves, bugs and road debris, airflow through the unit may be blocked to the point where little cooling occurs. Cleaning the condenser should cure the problem.
Blockages: Debris, rust or debris in the system may plug up the orifice tube or metering valve that admits refrigerant into the evaporator. If this vital point becomes obstructed, the flow of refrigerant may be restricted or blocked causing a loss of cooling-and possible compressor damage as well in systems that rely on oil circulating with the refrigerant for lubrication.
Air or moisture contamination: For the refrigerant inside the system to do its job properly, it must not be contaminated with air or moisture. Air reduces the cooling efficiency of the system while moisture can freeze and form ice that causes blockages in orifice tubes and metering valves. Air and moisture contamination may be the result of unrepaired leaks in the system, or failing to vacuum purge the system prior to recharging it with refrigerant.
Mechanical problem: These include things like metering valve failures, compressor wear and tear, a compressor clutch that fails to engage, bad pressure switches, etc. Pinpointing the problem will require the skills of a competent A/C technician.
Hurricanes and Mobile Video in Your SUV
If you live in a hurricane prone area and you have found yourself evacuating at least two times per year then it makes sense to put a mobile video system in your SUV. Why you ask? Well, consider the evacuation in Houston Texas during hurricane Rita, which turned at the last-minute and slammed into Louisiana's southwestern coastline.
Some people evacuating the city said they were in traffic 15 hours just to get as far as Dallas or San Antonio. If you have a mobile video player in your SUV installed prior to the mandatory evacuation then while stuck in traffic all day and watch movies or DVDs. If you live in Florida or along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama or Texas you should definitely get a mobile video for your car. How much does a mobile video system costs?
My Classic Car
My Classic Car is a television show originally broadcast on TNN and now airing on SPEED Channel about classic automobiles, hosted by Dennis Gage. It was produced by Bradley David Productions, who also created Popular Hot Rodding Television, Corbin’s Ride On and Texas Hardtails.
The host of the show, Dennis Gage is known for his seemingly boundless enthusiasm, his trademark handlebar moustache and the catchphrase with which he ends every episode, "honor the timeless classics."
The series features major classic automobile shows and collections, usually in the United States but occasionally in other countries, including Canada and the United Kingdom. Some episodes focus on celebrities and prolific car collectors such as talk show host Jay Leno. Every episode also features a segment sponsored by Eastwood, a manufacturer of replacement parts for antique automobiles, offering restoration and maintenance tips for classic car owners and collectors.
Valet parking
Valet parking is a parking service offered by some restaurants, stores , and other businesses. In contrast to "self-parking", where customers find parking on their own, customers' vehicles are parked for them by a person called a valet. This service either requires a fee to be paid by the customer or is offered free of charge by the establishment.
A valet is usually an employee of the establishment, or an employee of a third party valet service. When there is a fee it is usually either a flat amount or a fee based on how long the car is parked. It is customary to tip the valet who actually parks the car. In some restaurants the fee for parking is usually part of the tip that is given to the valet. Some cars come with an additional key known as a valet key that starts the ignition and opens the drivers side door but prevents the valet from gaining access to valuables that are located in the trunk or the glove box.
Valet parking is most often offered (and is most useful) in urban areas, where parking is scarce, though some upscale businesses offer valet parking as an optional service even though self-parking may be readily available. For example, in wealthy suburban areas like California's Silicon Valley, some hospitals (like Stanford University Medical Center) offer valet parking for the convenience of patients and their visitors. On the other hand, where parking is not scarce, such as on the Las Vegas Strip, it is used as a convenience to patrons.
An advantage of valet parking is that it is possible to park more cars into the same space, in what is generally known as "stack parking." The reason is that the valet holds all the keys and is able to park the cars two or more deep, because he can move cars out of the way to free a blocked-in car.
Whistle tips
Whistle tips, also known as whistler tips, are a piece of metal installed into the exhaust pipe of a car in order to make a high pitched whistling noise. They are mostly popular in Oakland, California, USA, where they achieved notable reconigtion after a KRON-4 newscast that featured a hilarious man who identified himself only as Bubb Rubb who told cameras that "the whistles go woo woo". The newscast has become a legendary piece of internet humor and Bubb Rubb himself is arguably now more popular than the whistle tips that started it all. Whistle tips are now illegal in many North American municipalities.
Darryl Starbird
American custom car and hot rod designer and builder Darryl Starbird is known for his innovative and futuristic space-age car designs, often featuring bubble tops. Some of his best-known cars include the Predicta, the Electra, the Cosma Ray, the Big T, and the Lil Coffin.
Creating many of his most influential designs in the late 1950s and early 1960s, Starbird served as a design Consultant for the Monogram hobby corporation which reproduced many of his cars as plastic model kits. He is one of a group of designers and artists including Ed Roth, George Barris, Norm Grabowski, and the great pinstripe artist Von Dutch, who presided over one of the most productive and creative periods of American custom car and hot rod design.
Starbird currently owns and operates Darryl Starbird's National Rod & Custom Car Hall of Fame Museum in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which features many of his cars as well as other notable examples from the history of custom car and hot rod culture.
George Lucas included a tip of the hat to Starbird in his 1973 film American Graffiti in which a character named Toad comments about his friend's 1958 Chevrolet Impala, "This may even be better than Darryl Starbird's superfleck moonbird!" In reality, there is no such car.
Car Tips Mitsubishi FTO
The Mitsubishi FTO, short for Fresh Touring Origination, was a car produced by Mitsubishi for the domestic Japanese market from 1994 through 2000. Announced in October 1994, the car was only made at the Mizushima plant and sold in Japan, though the tide of grey-market imports to the UK and Australia led to some limited distribution through Mitsubishi dealers in those countries.

In the Mitsubishi context, the name FTO harkens back to the Galant Coupe FTO model of the early 1970s. The 1970s FTO was a smaller companion car to the larger Galant Coupe GTO.
INVECS-II Sports Mode, Mitsubishi's answer to Porsche's Tiptronic, made its debut in the 1994 FTO. Production of both the FTO and GTO (Mitsubishi 3000GT) ended in the summer of 2000, when Mitsubishi decided not to modify either car to improve their performance on side-crash tests.
All FTOs were made front wheel drived with either a 4 cylinder engine, or a transversely mounted V6. The body only came in a 2 door coupe version. The front bumper was changed in 1997, but the rest of the body remained the same. A convertible version was never made.
An electric version, the FTO-EV, was produced by Mitsubishi Motors in 1998 as an experimental vehicle. The car utilised high-performance lithium-ion battery power and set a multiple-charge 24-hour distance world record.
October 1994 - August 1997

GS - 1800 cc 4 cylinder SOHC 16 valves producing 125 bhp at 6,000 rpm
GR - 2000 cc V6 DOHC 24 Valve Multi Point Injection producing 170 bhp at 7000 rpm
GR Sports Package - 2000 cc V6 DOHC 24 Valve Multi Point Injection producing 170 bhp at 7000 rpm
GP (1996-7) - 2000 cc V6 DOHC 24 Valve MIVEC producing 200 bhp at 7500 rpm
GPX - 2000 cc V6 DOHC 24 Valve MIVEC producing 200 bhp at 7500 rpm
GPX Limited Edition (1995-6) - 2000 cc V6 DOHC 24 Valve MIVEC producing 200 bhp at 7500 rpm
August 1997 - July 2001
GS - 1800 cc 4 cylinder SOHC 16 valves producing 125 bhp at 6,000 rpm
GX Sports Package - 2000 cc V6 DOHC 24 Valve Multi Point Injection producing 180 bhp at 7000 rpm
GX Sports Package Aero Series - 2000 cc V6 DOHC 24 Valve Multi Point Injection producing 180 bhp at 7000 rpm
GPX - 2000 cc V6 DOHC 24 Valve MIVEC producing 200 bhp at 7500 rpm
GP Version R - 2000 cc V6 DOHC 24 Valve MIVEC producing 200 bhp at 7500 rpm
GP Version R Aero Series - 2000 cc V6 DOHC 24 Valve MIVEC producing 200 bhp at 7500 rpm
GPX Limited Edition
On 2nd December 1994, the Japanese Car of the Year Executive Committee announced the selection of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation's sports car FTO as the '1994-1995 Japanese Car of the Year.' The reasons cited for this selection were that apart from its superior performance as a sports car, the FTO had a good chassis function and used an advanced INVECS-II Sports model automatic transmission. In recent years award winners have all been sedans. The FTO is the first sports car to win this award since Toyota’s MR2 in 1984. To celebrate this award, Mitsubishi produced a Limited Edition version. This is easily indentified as it is painted Dandelion Yellow and sports a '94-95 Japan Car of the Year' emblems on the outer surface of the car's C-pillar. It also has a rear washer wiper and LSD as standard. Indications are that less than 500 of these were produced.
Nakaya Tune FTO
The Nakaya-Tune FTO was a limited car in early 1997, only 300 cars were sold. The car is tuned by Akihiko Nakaya, Driver of the Taeivon FTO in the Japanese GT300 series in 1998-1999 The main differences are Nakaya-Tune Sports Muffler (made by Prof), Nakaya-Tune Brake Pad (made by AP), Nakaya-Tune Carbon Fibre Lip Spoiler, Nakaya-Tune Suspension, Nakaya-Tune Shock Absorber (made by OHLINS)
The choice of gearboxes available to the GTO were a 5 speed manual or the INVECS-II Tiptronic gearbox, which is an automatic transmission that also allows gears to be changed manually. Earlier model tiptronics had a four-speed transmission, whilst the later model FTOs had a five-speed transmission which was also slightly stronger than its predecessor.
In simple terms INVECS II is a computer-controlled automatic transmission which has the ability to "learn" your driving style, using its Adaptive Shift Control software. As soon as you start driving the computer begins to monitor your driving style, and after a short while sets the up and downchange points to suit, thus smoothing out progress on the road. It's almost like having a person sitting next to you who, having seen how you drive, adjusts the automatic gearbox accordingly.For the fully automatic mode to be in operation, the gear selector is simply left in 'D'. But if you want to use the manual mode - which gives the driver more control over the transmission, and allows higher engine revs in each gear - then the lever is slid over to the left into another gate, which is Sports Mode.
Now, tapping the lever forward prompts an electronic upchange, while moving it back downshifts. Effectively you have a clutchless gearshift, but you don't need to worry about suddenly being caught out at low speed in a high gear, because when stationary the transmission automatically reverts to first.
Buying New Cars & Trucks Online
Buying a new car or truck has become very easy and time convenient over the last several years, with more and more dealers offering their inventory online. You can search through thousands of cars from dozens of dealers and apply for online financing without even getting out of your PJs.
Below are a few of the most frequently asked questions about buying a new car or truck online.
Can It Really Be As Easy As Going Directly to the Dealership?
Yes, searching for a new car or truck online can really be as easy as going to the dealership.
Most dealers -- especially those who want to be taken seriously by potential customers -- will have pictures available of the vehicle they are offering, along with the vehicle's mileage and other specs.
You can search through an entire inventory of vehicles within seconds, rather than walking around several dealerships to find the car of your dreams. You can search by make, model, color, mileage, and other features. This really helps to narrow down your search, so that you can find your car and be on your way.
You can visit many dealerships with just a click of a button. This saves you money as well, since you will not have to drive from dealership to dealership. There are many consumer-based website out there, such as, that will bring together the best deals in your area for your convenience. Just log on to that one website and you are all set to find the car of your dreams from the dealership of your choice. Websites like this also allow you to apply for several types of financing in one spot as well.
What if I Have Questions?
In the case of more common or frequently asked questions, most dealerships will have the answers posted somewhere on their website. If it is a specific question about the vehicle, try thoroughly re-reading the description provided by the dealership. These descriptions are usually very detailed and will give you most of the information the dealer has on the vehicle.
However, if you still have a question, there are several ways to get the answers you are looking for. For instance you can always:
- E-mail the dealership (if you can wait for a response.)
- Call the dealership.
- Visit the dealership when you are ready.
What method of contact you choose will depend on whether you need an immediate response and whether you want to get that response from home, rather than driving to the dealership to get your answers.
What if I Don't Feel Secure Completing the Process Online?
The good thing about shopping for a new car or truck online is that you can go through the entire process or your can find a few vehicles that you like using this method, and then finish up by visiting the dealerships who are offering each vehicle. Just because you begin the process online, does not mean you have to finish the process online. It will just help to make the first part of your search easier.
That being said, it is also important to note that buying anything and giving out sensitive information over the Internet has become safer and more secure as time has passed. A website that asks for such information should be equipped with an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to prevent others from seeing the information as it passes from computer to computer. You will know if the webpage you are looking at is protected by a SSL because there will be a padlock icon somewhere along the bottom of the page.
You shouldn't run around giving your information to just anyone; however, as long as you know what company the information is going to and the page is protected by a SSL, then your information should be safe.
Buying a new car or vehicle can be a fun and exciting process. Utilizing online resources, such as, can take many of the hassles out of the process and allow you to get things done on your own schedule. The next time you are looking for a new car or truck, consider beginning your search online.
Wholesale Car Audio
Car audio systems are one of the most wanted luxury items today. And many of us try to look for the cheapest options available. Any product is marketed through a chain of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and customers. You can get wholesale rates if the retailer is skipped. But in most cases, car audio systems are supplied only through retailers. Getting car audio systems at discounted prices is convenient with online shopping, auctions, dealer discounts and used products. But authentic car audio systems on wholesale basis can be tricky to find.
There are online wholesale clubs which provide people with information on wholesale deals but the authenticity of products can be questionable. A lot of effort and research is required to locate wholesale sources for car audio systems. Some wholesalers sell new audio systems, some market secondhand systems and a few also auction for bulk deals.
Some manufacturers with wholesale units also set up their own retail outlets. This way the customer gets a lower price and the manufacturer enjoys higher profits, as everything is done in-house.
Price is certainly a factor to consider, but source is as important. It is better to verify the source from the manufacturer. Unauthorized dealers may not give a full warranty. Many reputable car audio manufacturers do not allow Internet sales. Nonetheless, we find all brands and models, which may just be gray market items. The seller might not even know that serial numbers have been tampered with, which makes the manufacturer’s warranty void. Such problems are hard to deal with and trace back if needed.
Do an Internet search on wholesale car audio systems, and hundreds of sites appear claiming to be wholesalers. But most reviews say that the prices are at par with retail. So if you think that you have found a good wholesale deal, beware and check it out before making your final payment.
Adding Mobile Video Installations to Your Detail Shop Services
If you own an auto detailing shop and you are looking for additional revenues perhaps you should add mobile video installation, as that is the new hot thing in the market. By adding mobile video installations and XM Radio you will meet new clientele who spend a lot of money on their cars and care about them.
If you can allow one bay of your detail shop to do mobile electronics installations such as mobile video installations you will find that these customers will also be great detailing customers and the kind of people who will refer you by word-of-mouth advertising to increase your referral rate.
Mobile video installations are getting to be very easy because many of the mobile video systems are mounted inside the back of the headrest and it is only a matter of matching the headrest and putting it into place and then wiring the system. It is not difficult to find people who were able to put in video systems in cars because the systems are much like stereo systems and audio systems.
Mobile video installations are good because you can charge a lot of money to do them and the type of clientele, which usually installs the systems has money to spend for other services. It is a good complementary business to add and it therefore makes sense to consider mobile video installations as another service to your auto detailing shop. Please consider this in 2006.
Discount Car Audio
Every car owner wants a car audio system. Some are satisfied with low-end models but others are always on the lookout for latest technologies. Most of us look for the best deals on quality and price. Discount car audio systems can be found at auctions, secondhand and online stores. Some suppliers offer discounts if you are willing to forgo certain frills like a warranty. Money can also be saved if you install the system on your own instead of hiring someone to it. With so many brands and types of car audio systems to choose from, consumers have many options while the manufacturers face competition to sell their products at attractive prices.
One of the easiest ways to get discounted products is through popular shopping websites like eBay. Manufacturers promote their products through discounts. At times, they offer great deals like buy-one-get-one-free, or cash discounts.
Always read the terms and conditions carefully. There should be a clear mention of which brands and products are covered under the warranty and which are not. Details should also be made available on warranty period, refunds, shipping fee, defect repair, servicing, delivery time, cancellation policies and money-back guarantees, etc. Sometimes, delivery charges are so high that discounts are useless. Some websites also collect product and supplier reviews from people who have purchased a certain product. Prospective buyers can go through the reviews to have a better idea. Reputable websites claim to provide correct specifications, but there is always room for error. It is wise to check the specifications personally before ordering. Also, check if all necessary attachments are being provided or will cost extra.
Buying a discounted car audio system does not mean that you are getting sub-standard items. You need to decide what you want. You might come across gray market goods being sold at very low prices without any guarantee that may not be worth the money. Buyers should read terms and conditions carefully, and make a purchase only if everything is agreeable.
Afghan blast kills 5, creates poll worries
A bomb blast killed at least five people and wounded 34 in the western Afghan city of Herat on Sunday, raising fresh concern about security for landmark elections.
The United Nations said the blast was the latest in a string of violent incidents that underscored the need for the immediate deployment of more international troops to protect the Oct. 9 presidential vote and parliamentary elections in April.
The explosion came less than two days after the announcement of the poll dates and just ahead of a ceremony to mark the start of disarmament of Herat's militia forces, part of a drive seen as crucial to creating conditions for a free and fair vote.
The bomb exploded outside a military post near a busy morning market in the ancient city, which is not far from the Iranian border, provincial spokesman Ghulam Mohammad Masoan said.
"The death toll has reached five, a child is among them. And we have 34 wounded," said Nasir Habib, a doctor at the main Herat hospital, adding that the toll could rise as some were critically hurt. All victims were civilians and included women and children.
Herat police chief Zia Uddin Mahmodi said the bomb might have been hidden in a bucket and the Taliban could be to blame.
Lieutenant-Colonel James Hand, head of a U.S. civilian-military team helping with security in Herat, said there were also reports it was a bicycle or a motorcycle bomb. He said he had no clue as to who might have carried out the attack.
The Taliban, ousted by U.S.-led forces in late 2001, have vowed to disrupt the elections. Militant attacks have killed hundreds this year, including election workers, but most of their activity has been in the volatile south and east.
Masoan called the bomb the work of "those people who do not want a stable Herat" -- an apparent reference to rivals of the powerful provincial governor, Ismail Khan.
Herat has long been seen as one of the more stable parts of the country, but in March fighting erupted between forces loyal to a government military commander and Khan's militia, in which Khan's son, Aviation Minster Mirwais Sadiq, was killed.
President Hamid Karzai sent national troops to intervene but commanders loyal to Khan, who forced those of the rival commander out of the city, said they were not needed.
Disarming fightersThe ceremony marking the start of disarmament of Khan's militia began three hours after the blast, at a military base 10 km (six miles) away.
Disarming of irregulars commanded by strongmen like Khan has moved much more slowly than hoped, with only about 10,000 demobilized out of a total of some 50,000.
Some commanders, including Khan, have warned that disarming their forces will increase instability, especially while a new national army -- currently 12,000 strong -- is still so small.
Analysts say some commanders will also have been angered by the decision to hold the parliamentary polls six months later than the presidential vote, seeing an early election as their best chance to consolidate their positions.
At a news briefing, U.N. Special Representative Jean Arnault did not rule out the possibility that blasts like the one in Herat might be the work of those opposed to disarmament.
"There is very much a possibility we have to keep in mind. In many, many countries security incidents are created only for the purpose of demonstrating that this or that force is indispensable."
Violence has worsened ahead of the elections, despite the presence of more than 20,000 U.S.-led troops hunting Taliban and al-Qaeda guerrillas, and 6,500 NATO-led peacekeepers.
NATO has agreed to send 1,500 more troops to Kabul and to the relatively stable north for the polls -- far fewer than the United Nations and the government had been seeking. Arnault said the violence showed the need for more troops, now.
"Protection of the election process is not a matter of arriving for polling day," he said. "The time for the arrival of international forces is now, not in four months from now."
Rescuers plow through train Indian wreckage
Rescue workers pulled apart a mountain of twisted metal on Tuesday to get to hundreds of people believed trapped in the wreckage of two trains that collided head-on in northeastern India. At least 226 bodies have been extracted.
More than 200 others were thought to be inside three badly smashed train cars, but authorities fear none have survived.
The stench of rotting, charred flesh rose from a field where the railroad cars lay. No cries for help were heard from the wreckage, where arms and legs hung limply from crumpled carriages. The only sounds were the sobs of victims' families and the noise of rescuers tearing apart the tangled heap with cranes.
Only 22 of the recovered bodies could be recognized since most were so badly mangled, said senior local administrator who goes by the name Prashant.
Passengers were asleep when the trains collided before dawn on Monday, sending coaches spiraling over each other and hurtling travelers about their compartments.
"I heard an explosion and then the coach rose, as if it was an aircraft taking off, and then came down with a thud," S. Chettry, a cook in the pantry car, told The Indian Express newspaper.
One of the trains was on the wrong track for unknown reasons, railway officials said. Railway Minister Nitish Kumar said the accident was caused by human error, and announced on Tuesday that he would resign.
At least three railway signal operators working at the time of the accident fled the scene, authorities said.
The government announced Tuesday that it would set up a commission to investigate the causes of recent crashes. India's rails are plagued by accidents, which happen at a rate of more than one a day.
The collision of the Brahmaputra Mail train from Gauhati and the Awadh-Assam Express from New Delhi occurred in Gaisal Station, a small-town rail stop in West Bengal state about 500 kilometers (310 miles) north of Calcutta.
Both trains were traveling at about 90 kilometers per hour (60 mph) and the impact sparked a fire that engulfed some coaches, burning to death some of the 2,500 passengers aboard the two trains, officials at railway headquarters in Gauhati said.
Working by the dim light of gas lamps and generator-charged electric bulbs, officials quietly laid out the dead on a grassy clearing on Monday night and draped them with white shrouds.
The bodies were then loaded onto trucks and taken to the nearby town of Siliguri to be handed over to relatives.
Even experienced medical officers were shaken.
"We are used to seeing dead bodies daily, but I've never seen anything like this," said Dr. C. P. Singh on the private STAR television.
Relatives swarmed local hospitals, which were overflowing with nearly 300 injured passengers.
Two huge cranes arrived at the accident site early on Tuesday and began separating four railroad cars. Ten other carriages that were thrown off the track were to be lugged away.
It was one of the deadliest train accidents in India's history. In 1995, 358 people were killed in a train wreck near New Delhi and in 1981, nearly 800 died when a cyclone blew a train off the tracks into a river in the northern state of Bihar.
Many of the victims of Monday's collision were army soldiers or paramilitary troops traveling to or from Assam, a remote state in northeastern India wracked by separatist insurgency and tribal warfare.
Authorities resumed train services in the area on Tuesday after clearing one of the tracks.
Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee called the accident "a great tragedy" and ordered an official inquiry. President K.R. Narayanan said the crash "highlights the crying need to improve rail safety measures."
In Washington, U.S. President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton offered condolences. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan also mourned the deaths, spokesman Fred Eckhard said in New York.
India has the world's largest railway network under one management with more than 14,000 trains carrying 12 million people daily. More than 400 accidents take place each year.
Sharon: Tel Aviv blast proves need for wall
A Palestinian bomb killed a woman at a bus stop in Israel on Sunday in an attack Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said proved the need to continue building a West Bank wall declared illegal by the World Court.
In his first public comments on Friday's non-binding opinion by the U.N.'s top legal body, Sharon said the bombing was carried out "under the auspices of the ruling", suggesting the decision would only encourage Palestinian violence.
"I want to make clear, the state of Israel absolutely rejects the ruling of the International Court of Justice in The Hague," Sharon said. "It is a one-sided and politically motivated ruling."
In Bangkok, U.N. Security General Kofi Annan suggested that Israel ought to accept the World Court's ruling despite its security needs.
"While we accept that the government of Israel has the responsibility and duty to protect its citizens, any action it takes has to be in conformity with international law," Annan said.
Sharon said after the bombing at a bus stop in Tel Aviv during the morning rush hour that the construction of the 600-km (370-mile) wall "is the most reasonable measure to take against this criminal terrorism."
It was the first such Palestinian attack in Israel since March and departed from a pattern of suicide bombings over the past four years.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, part of President Yasser Arafat's Fatah faction, claimed responsibility and said it was avenging Israel's killing of militants and civilians.
Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat condemned "the targeting of civilians, whether Palestinian or Israeli."
Israeli hospital officials said one woman was killed and about 14 people were wounded in the blast, which occurred as a bus pulled up to the stop.
"I heard a massive explosion and ran to the scene," said Hagit Cohen, who lives one block away from the bus stop. "I thought it was the end of the world."
Wall helping to keep out bombers, Israel saysIsraeli officials have said the 200 km (120 miles) of the West Bank wall completed so far have made it more difficult for suicide bombers to cross into Israel.
In a decision hailed by Palestinians, the World Court said the network of razor wire-tipped fences and towering cement walls snaking through occupied land in the West Bank violated international humanitarian law and should be torn down.
The project has separated thousands of Palestinians from their fields, schools and medical services -- hardship which Israeli leaders say is outweighed by the security the wall will offer people in the Jewish state.
The ruling heightened Israeli concern about international sanctions although its key ally, the United States, has vetoed U.N. Security Council resolutions against the Jewish state in the past.
Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom said on Saturday Israel had asked Washington to intervene to prevent any U.N. moves against it. Washington has dismissed the U.N. court's intervention and the American on the 15-judge panel wrote a dissenting opinion.
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Answers The accident happened in Arkanssa or missourie. or you can get a newspaper. Source s International United States United Kingdom Canada Australia India answers I whitnessed a car accident today in Scottsdale AZ and I want to find out what really happened. Is there a website I can go to ? Hmm good question. Local newspaper will have it though United States United Kingdom Canada Australia India POLICE ABUSE AND KILLINGS OF STREET CHILDREN IN INDIA. Human Rights Watch Children's Rights Project. Human Rights Watch Asia. Human Rights Watch. New York Washington London Brussels. November by Human Rights Watch. report was made possible through the invaluable assistance of lawyers representatives of nongovernmental organizations working with street children in India POLICE ABUSE AND KILLINGS OF STREET CHILDREN IN INDIA. Human Rights Watch Children's Rights Project. Human Rights Watch Asia. Human Rights Watch. New York Washington London Brussels. November by Human Rights Watch. report was made possible through the invaluable assistance of lawyers representatives of nongovernmental organizations working with street children in India answers I whitnessed a car accident today in Scottsdale AZ and I want to find out what really happened. Is there a website I can go to ? Hmm good question.
The Washington Times America's Newspaper advertisement Advertise RSS Sitemap Contact answers The accident happened in Arkanssa or missourie. or you can get a newspaper. Source s International United States United Kingdom Canada Australia India Airports a local newspaper reported on Tuesday. Granted of.