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Car Gears

Gear system is an important component of car and requires proper handling and attention. While changing the gears it is very important that clutch should be completely pressed. Make sure that the clutch is properly adjusted for free pedal movement for smooth gear change. Select the right gear for a given condition and speed to avoid overstraining the engine. Regularly check the oil level in the gear box. Do not drive with your left foot resting on the clutch pedal when it is not in use as it reduces the life of clutch plate.

Car Tyres

Car Tyres have an important bearing on the performance and safety of the car. There should be uniformity of tread pattern in the tyres. Don't mix radial tyres with other tyres.

Always ensure that the tyres have prescribed air pressure. Air pressure should be checked on cold tyres and not when they are hot as the air expands when hot. Having lower air pressure than prescribed adversely affect stability during drive, causes high fuel consumption and harms the suspensions, while excessive air pressure results in faster wear of treads and results in a hard and bumpy ride.

Rotate the tyres diagonally after every 5000 km; i.e. front right tyre should be rotated with rear left and front left should be rotated with rear right.

Make sure that the wheels are properly balanced. This will eliminate the centrifugal force and prevent the wobbling of tyre. Regularly check the wheel alignment of your vehicle as proper wheel alignment prolongs the life of the tyres and enhance the safety of the car.


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