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Saving Money on Car Insurance

Most people usually will complain about the cost of there car insurance and they have every right to do so. Depending on your age, car, credit and other factors your insurance can cost you several hundred dollars a year. So how can you lower your monthly premium and save your self a few dollars? Well below I have a small list of a few things that you can do that will lower your costs.

Drive Less

Most insurance companies will have a low-mileage discount if you drive less than a certain number of miles a year. If your company offers this discount try to take advantage of it. Carpool to work, walk if you do not live far, get a scooter for short distances or use public transportation.

Your Credit Plays a Role

Most companies use your credit score as a method in determining your rates. So keep a close eye on your credit report and note and mistakes on your report and make sure you get the mistakes taken care of.

Do Not Buy a Flashy Car

Certain vehicles have a higher risk factor than others. Generally, sports cars, high end luxury cars you will have higher rates because they are more targeted by thieves and vandals. So if you can purchase a lower profile vehicle.

Multiple policy discounts

Usually if you purchase more than one plan from your insurance company you are eligible for a discount. So be sure to inquire about a multiple policy discount.

Drive Safe

You should see a decline in your insurance premiums if you have went a certain amount of time with a clean driving record; no accidents, tickets and so on.

Anti Theft Devices and Safety Devices

You could possible receive discounts if you have some of the following installed on your vehicle: anti lock brakes, purchasing a 5 star safety vehicle and automatic safety belts. Anti theft devices such as alarms, on star, global tracking systems and other anti theft devices